Monday, October 13, 2008


I just finished reading James Wood's article in the New Yorker on Sarah Palin's semantics. In 'Verbage' Wood discusses the anti-intellectualism that underpins the Republican ticket. Moreover their 'war on words' has reached a climax with their nonsensical VP candidate Pain. She can certainly be labeled as linguistic maverick with her deliberate flouting of conventional grammatical codes, in both vocabulary and phraseology. I suppose this means she's truly a radical breaking free of linguistic norms in order to deliver to all those Joe Sixpacks out there a more honest and direct way of communicating. Sort of like Tupac with marginalized black men in the 90s. Her use of language should be subject to analysis for years to come, as a nuanced product of a certain type of 'all and only' American culture. 

This photograph is another gem from the New York Historical Society. It depicts loads of badges from previous American elections. 

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